As a consumer, I’m typically not a huge fan of customer satisfaction surveys. It seems they are always being sent by huge companies who never show me real change anyway, so what’s the point?
Today I am going to be a complete hypocrite and ask you to take 5 minutes and complete our short survey to let us know how we are doing. At Anchor, we want to ensure we are providing the best service possible to you. As a small business, your input is the only way we can measure ourselves and improve our service delivery. The survey is completely anonymous, and the results will be compiled and sent directly to me. We will then review the results as a team and take action to improve as a company.
You can find the survey at the link below:
I realize your time is valuable, and really appreciate you taking a few minutes to help us make Anchor better. Please feel free to forward this link to any of your users as well. The more input the better!
Thanks for your time and consideration,